
Staging your Home for a Faster Sale

With a booming interest in the property sector, competition is at an all time high, and people meaning to sell their home need to put in an extra effort to ensure that it gets sold; this is where ‘staging’ comes in. It’s more than just making sure your house is clean for when potential customers come to view it. It’s what will make your home marketable to the largest possible audience.

What is Staging?

Staging a home is the process of setting up rooms in a certain way that will make them look more appealing to prospective buyers. The process usually involves a fix up process whereby you repaint walls, add paintings and rearrange furniture in a way that leaves a more attractive first impression on anyone looking to invest.

Why Stage your Home?

You will never get a second chance at making a first impression.

A 2015 survey showed that 50% of homes that were staged sold for an approximately 10% higher premium than those that were not. A recent survey also shows how staged homes spend 72% less time on the market since over 95% of buyers thoroughly look at photos of a property before contacting the agent or visiting.

Staging your Home yourself

Staging your home is something you can do yourself with the right mindset and some helpful tips. Here’s what you can do to make your property more attractive in such a competitive market.

  • The master bedroom: This should appeal to all, so make sure to get rid of any gender specific furniture and to keep colours and styles as neutral as possible.
  • The kitchen: New appliances usually bring quite high returns and will make a place look modern as opposed to having old appliances, which could make the area look outdated.
  • The furniture: Float your furniture away from walls to create the illusion of larger spaces. Grouping furniture together will make the area look ready to use; it will also be easier to imagine the potential it might have for renovation.
  • Empty areas: Repurpose these into spaces that will add value to your home. Turn that empty corner into a cosy reading nook to give it more purpose.
  • Lighting: This is one of the largest influences when it comes to choosing a home. Make sure you have the correct kind of lighting and utilise as much natural light as you possibly can; it is one of the most attractive features a home possesses.


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